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Search results for ' Baring, Washington'.

'The US is making a mistake in Pakistan's case'

'The US is making a mistake in Pakistan's case'

Rediff.com8 May 2009

An acute equipment shortage and an army that has only been trained to fight against India has left the Pakistani army highly ineffectual in its counter-insurgency efforts against the Taliban, said South Asia expert Stephen Cohen.

Mission for a mandate

Mission for a mandate

Rediff.com1 Apr 2009

It is hard to believe that barely two months ago Manmohan Singh was having quintuple heart bypass surgery. The Indian prime minister appears robust, if a little tired, as he pursues a punishing schedule that yesterday involved taking time out from campaigning in hotly contested parliamentary elections to fly to London for the Group of 20 summit.

Analysis: Why Obama ordered troop surge in Afghan

Analysis: Why Obama ordered troop surge in Afghan

Rediff.com19 Feb 2009

United States President Barack Obama's decision to deploy more troops in Afghanistan indicates the deterioration of the war on terror as well as the escalating crisis in Pakistan, according to many military analysts and intelligence officials.They also fear that America's long-time ally might be on the verge of imploding due to its internal crises.Obama approved the order to deploy 17,000 troops in Afghanistan which beefs up the US troop strength by 50 per cent.

US Congress okays $787 bn stimulus package

US Congress okays $787 bn stimulus package

Rediff.com14 Feb 2009

Obama is likely to sign the bill into law, as early as early next week. The momentous occasion for Obama came late Friday night when the Senate passed the American Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act by 60 to 38 votes, hours after the House of Representatives approved the similar version of the $ 787 billion stimulus package by 246 to 183 votes.

US Senate clears $829 billion stimulus package

US Senate clears $829 billion stimulus package

Rediff.com11 Feb 2009

The United States Senate on Tuesday passed Barack Obama's economic recovery plan, the $829 billion stimulus bill, which the President said would create four million jobs and was vital for reviving the crisis-hit economy. Amid strong Republican opposition, the bill was passed by a roll call vote of 61-37. The House of Representative has already passed it.

Barack Obama and the Big Three

Barack Obama and the Big Three

Rediff.com21 Nov 2008

Detroit's bailout request is an opportunity for the president-elect to prove himself.

Obama and the one dollar bill

Obama and the one dollar bill

Rediff.com21 Nov 2008

All kinds of people have tremendous expectations of Obama in the years ahead. If he manages to live up to anywhere close to the hype and hope, he could one day be declared a great president --and find himself on a piece of US currency.

Aseem Chhabra on Obama's victory

Aseem Chhabra on Obama's victory

Rediff.com21 Nov 2008

A skinny African-American man, with goofy ears and Hussein as a middle name is going to become our 44th president. It is a win for all of us-- African-Americans, whites, Latinos, Asians, men, women and children, old and young, straight and gays. We should rejoice at this historic moment.

Another Indian student shot at in US

Another Indian student shot at in US

Rediff.com16 Nov 2008

The incident occurred when Shashank and his friends were going inside their flat after returning from an outing. Shashank went out to take his bag from the car when he was shot at by a man who is suspected to be an Afro-American, he said quoting Shashank's friends.

Challenges facing the new US President

Challenges facing the new US President

Rediff.com5 Nov 2008

From an economic summit to a Detroit bailout, Obama or McCain will have to jump right on the U.S. economic crisis

I am not out of the race, says McCain

I am not out of the race, says McCain

Rediff.com27 Oct 2008

"In order for McCain to win, he's got a very steep hill to climb. He's got to win all of the toss-up states, 64 electoral votes. Then he needs to strip away Ohio and Indiana with 31 electoral votes to get him to 252. And then he needs to either win Colorado and Virginia, which gets him to 274, or win one of them plus Pennsylvania, which would get him to 282 or 286. It's a steep uphill climb," said Karl Rove, the 'architect' of President Bush's electoral wins in 2000 and 2004.

Pak approaches IMF; seeks financial aid

Pak approaches IMF; seeks financial aid

Rediff.com20 Oct 2008

The move by Islamabad comes as it is also approaching Western and Gulf donors for rescue packages at a time when its foreign exchange reserves fell to a six-year low of less than $8 billion. Experts have said Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves, in real terms, are barely adequate to cater for imports for one-and-half months.

Hit the dance floor!

Hit the dance floor!

Rediff.com6 Oct 2008

The best places to celebrate Navratri across America

When George met Jay

When George met Jay

Rediff.com3 Oct 2008

Contributing Photographer Jay Mandal was at the Oval Office for a shoot recently when its resident took charge of the proceedings

A column about war in Pak

A column about war in Pak

Rediff.com30 Sep 2008

"People are confused about this war," said Daud, negotiating the office vehicle he was driving through downtown Karachi's chaotic traffic.

Why China did what it did at NSG

Why China did what it did at NSG

Rediff.com11 Sep 2008

'Procedural procrastination' was Chinese strategy to delay India waiver, NSG diplomats say

Amit Mistry wins Congressional science fellowship

Amit Mistry wins Congressional science fellowship

Rediff.com4 Sep 2008

Amit Mistry, an alumnus of Rice University, has been selected as the Materials Research Society/Optical Society of America Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow for 2008-2009.

Drawing lessons from the Kabul bombing

Drawing lessons from the Kabul bombing

Rediff.com9 Jul 2008

Each time an Indian life was lost, the top officials in Delhi reiterated their resolve not to be deterred by terrorists. A high level meeting of officials ensued to take stock of the security of the Indian personnel in Afghanistan. We, then, moved on. But does that approach suffice? Is anyone listening out there in the Hindu Kush? Isn't a comprehensive relook of policy warranted?

How IPL and Washington are linked

How IPL and Washington are linked

Rediff.com21 May 2008

A sculptor from National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, wanting to make it big in films as an actor is a rare thing to happen. Lekha Washington, who had completed her first solo exhibition as a sculptor when she was barely 18, wanted to do something creative after she completed her Masters in Film Making from the famed institute.

John Edwards backs Barack Obama

John Edwards backs Barack Obama

Rediff.com15 May 2008

Most stunned, however, is likely US Senator Hillary Clinton, whose bid for the Presidency appears to have suffered a mortal wound.

Obama refuses Hillary's debate call

Obama refuses Hillary's debate call

Rediff.com28 Apr 2008

Obama has refused to debate Hillary Clinton,with no moderator, before the Indiana and North Carolina primaries.

Advani's book exposes his pettiness

Advani's book exposes his pettiness

Rediff.com15 Apr 2008

'The most nauseating part of the book pertains to the Gujarat riots. Advani rejects the settled truth that the post-Godhra violence was State-sponsored.'

India eyes missile defence system from US firm

India eyes missile defence system from US firm

Rediff.com17 Jan 2008

Barely a month after carrying out successful tests of Interceptor missiles, India is in talks with a leading American aerospace firm to apparently seek collaboration to develop a robust ballistic missile defence (BMD) system.

Fed, markets set to clash on rates

Fed, markets set to clash on rates

Rediff.com19 Nov 2007

The risk of a collision between the Federal Reserve and the markets grew on Friday after Fed governor Randall Kroszner made it clear that the US central bank was not planning to cut interest rates at its next policy meeting, but was largely ignored by investors.

How Vanita Gupta successfully took on Bush admn

How Vanita Gupta successfully took on Bush admn

Rediff.com31 Aug 2007

Dozens of children were released from the facility as a result of the litigation and as a result of the deal.

Al Gore's amazing $100 million makeover!

Al Gore's amazing $100 million makeover!

Rediff.com4 Jul 2007

The untold story of how an epic loser engineered what may be the greatest brand makeover ever.

China's engines of growth

China's engines of growth

Rediff.com29 May 2007

The headlines in the South China Morning Post, among other regional newspapers this morning, are focused on the failure of the US-China trade talks.

'Pak America's most serious proliferation problem'

'Pak America's most serious proliferation problem'

Rediff.com12 May 2007

"If it was not for Pakistan, we would not have an Iranian nuclear programme."

Can the US escape from Empire?

Can the US escape from Empire?

Rediff.com9 May 2007

'America's latest post-Cold War tryst with neo-con global political evangelism in Iraq is nearing the end of the trail.'

Hard to imagine UN without Shashi Tharoor

Hard to imagine UN without Shashi Tharoor

Rediff.com30 Mar 2007

What distinguished Shashi from the other senior Indians in the UN Secretariat even in the early years of his career was that he was not paranoid about asserting his international personality to the point of erasing his Indian identity

US must step up pressure on Pak: Experts

US must step up pressure on Pak: Experts

Rediff.com14 Feb 2007

United States foreign policy experts have rated Pakistan just behind Somalia as the country most likely to become the next stronghold of Al Qaeda.

The gathering Gulf storm

The gathering Gulf storm

Rediff.com27 Dec 2006

What is unfolding in the Gulf and the Middle East is nothing short of a remaking of that region in geopolitical terms. The Iran nuclear issue is a mere smokescreen.

Microcredit: Why India is failing

Microcredit: Why India is failing

Rediff.com10 Nov 2006

'US, NATO viewed as the new Afghan warlords'

'US, NATO viewed as the new Afghan warlords'

Rediff.com11 Oct 2006

'Polls have shown that about 70% of Afghans are waiting to see which side to pick - the US/NATO forces or the Taliban.'

Crashed US jet took wrong runway

Crashed US jet took wrong runway

Rediff.com28 Aug 2006

How much money will I need?

How much money will I need?

Rediff.com2 Aug 2006

Are you going the US to study? How much money do you need to carry with you?

US House panel approves N-deal bill

US House panel approves N-deal bill

Rediff.com28 Jun 2006

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